Matthew Stuber
Hi, my name is Matt Stuber and I have worked at Bell Bay for 23 years. I started in the pot lines and have worked in recon, metal products and I am currently working in L & D in a day work role.
Between my wife and myself, we have 5 kids although there’s only one 18 year old living at home now and I have 2 grandchildren (and im only 45). When im not at work I enjoy a bit of DIY (I have been renovating the house forever), going to the gym and unwinding to music no one else likes and getting out for a cruise in my early model Holden.
I got involved with the peer support group voluntarily as I felt it was something I could do to assist people who might need some support, just as I did. Maintaining good mental health is critical for everyone. I have experienced my own struggles with mental health due to a string of stressful events, excessive workload, death of a family member, supporting the family, self-imposed pressure and physical diagnosis of a mental health condition. We all believe we are bullet proof…… until we find ourselves struggling, I would tell myself “it will be fine once………...!”, “It’s just a patch I’m going through!” “I’m just tired it will be OK tomorrow!” But it’s not.
When you’re telling yourself I hope it’s a heart condition, rather than anxiety then we can help with the options available.
Once you open up to someone who will listen without judgement, that’s a great relief on its own.
If you can relate to any of this then perhaps, you could talk to someone (in confidence) on the peer support team. The training and skills I have picked up from the RAW team have given me the confidence to step forward and help others who may be struggling with their own mental health problems.
I love a coffee and a chat so feel free to contact me. 0417 803 495