10 November 2016

2017 Tasmanian Women in Resources Awards Launch

The Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council (TMEC) in conjunction with the AusIMM Women in Mining Network Tasmania (WIMnet) will launch the 2017 Tasmanian Women in Resources.

Awards this Thursday in Launceston. The awards recognize the excellent work being done by women in the resources sector in Tasmania and will be officially launched by Sarah Courtney MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier.

Chief Executive Officer, TMEC, Wayne Bould said “These awards recognise the excellent and hardworking women employed in this sector in Tasmania. As a peak body we are publically
recognising the energy and fresh perspective that female employees have brought to the industry.”

Mr Ted Bradshaw, Chair, WIMnet Tasmania, said “Now in their fourth year we hope that these awards will continue to encourage more women to consider the attractive career opportunities available in the mining and resources sector.”

Guests at Thursday’s launch will hear from Kelly Down from Bell Bay Aluminium, the 2016 Australian and Tasmanian Outstanding Tradeswoman, Operator or Technician, Tarrisha Simpson from South32 and Ariel Pascoe from Grange Resources, who were both highly commended by the judges in their respective categories in 2016 Tasmanian Women in Resources Awards.
